Monday, January 3, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The last few days weeks have been a blur of activity. We've seemingly gone from one activity to another. Here are some of the pictures from the last few weeks...

Making cookies:

Attempting to stand and cheering for herself:

Aiden wanted to make a magic wand for our friend who babysits him. He came up with the idea all by himself. Luckily, I found this great kit after he said that he wanted to make her a magic wand. He also colored her a picture and told me what to write to her. The best part is how he sticks out his tongue when he's concentrating:

Maddie just being cute. Notice the monkey she has in her mouth, she has chosen him to be her "lovey". You should see the way she lights up when we put him down with her... so cute!

Maddie's graduated from the baby bathtub to the sink, and it's really cute!!

Grant's sister, Laura, made this apron for Aiden for Christmas. We opened it before we left for Florida, and he loves it!! In case you can't read it, it says "Aiden's Cafe" on top and then his tag-line he came up with for his little restaurant, "I believe you'll like it!" down below. In this picture he was talking to me like I was recording him and said, "Today we're going to make cupcakes," like he was the host of a show on the Food Network. The kid cracks me up!

Ok, so I condensed some of the posts and just have one big Christmas week post left and then I should be caught up with the blog! Yay!!


Katie said...

Oh my, those are adorable pictures! That last one of Maddie in the bath is amazing and I love Aiden's apron! His restaurant slogan is great. We have a small chain of restaurants up here whose slogan is "Good food." (Genius, I know.) I believe they should hire Aiden to revamp their marketing technique.

Lindsay said...

OK, I have a lot to say.
I can't believe Maddie is standing...first of all she looks like she's doing a James Dean impression...casually leaning on the foot stool. It seems like only a couple months have gone by since she was born and now she's standing?!
A couple of the pictures of her in the sink she looks so much like Aiden, I can't believe it.
I love Aiden's apron, very cute. Good idea Laura! I also love that in the background of those pictures is your knife block. In every 'baking' picture I have of Lilly the knife block is looming over her too. I don't know why, but it cracks me up. ha ha ha
Great blog, I can't wait to see the rest! And I really can't wait to have matching blogs in April. ;)

Emily said...

Hi there! I just happened to click on your blog somehow from Kelle's blog I think!? Anyway, just wanted to say that your children are beautiful! Especially that little girl. Enjoy her, there are lots of great things to come! I also have a little darling with DS who is now 3 and dancing in the living room.


Courtney Williams said...

Katie, that is a genius slogan! Maybe Aiden could give them a hand in that department.

Lindsay, Arbor Day is going to Rock!!

Emily, thank you. Your family is beautiful, too! I'm touched that you took the time to write a comment. Thanks for the encouragement!